Grievance Redressal Cell


As suggested by University, the college has established a Student's Grievance and Redressal Cell to provide a mechanism for redressal of student's grievances and ensure the transparency in admission and prevention of unfair practices. Grievance Redressal cell is constituted in the college for the smooth and effective functioning of grievance related activities in the college. The grievance redressal cell attempts to address genuine problems and complaints of students whatever be the nature of the problem. The student's grievance cell desires to maintain and promotes an unprejudiced educational environment. The cell enables a student to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with rules and regulations of the college. Grievance cell enquires and analyses the nature and seriousness of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner.


  • Encouraging the students to express their problems / grievances freely and openly without any fears of being victimized.

  • To support thosegstudents who have been deprived of the services offered by the college for which he/she is entitled.

  • To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.

  • To ensure effective solution to the grievances of the students with an impartial and fair approach.

  • To coordinate between students and departments to redress the grievance.

  • Redressal of student’s grievances to solve their academic and administrative problems.

Roles and Responsibilities


1.To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and Non-academic matters.

2. Get suggestions from the students for improvement. Take necessary steps for improvement in the light of grievances.

3. The department level grievances are addressed by the concerned class Coordinators/faculty advisors, Department Co-coordinator and Department Head.

4. The student coordinators and staff coordinators of grievance redressal cell act as facilitators to communicate and sort out the grievances at the department level.

5. Unresolved grievances at the department level are referred to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution.


Mechanism of Grievance Redressal Cell



The following procedure describes the mechanism to address the grievances.


1. Submission of Grievance


An aggrieved student will submit his/her grievance along with the necessary documents, if any, in any of the following modes.

  • Submitting the hard copy of the grievance in person to the coordinator of the Grievance Redressal Cell. Also students can register the grievance directly to the college ETlab.
  • An aggrieved student, who wants to remain anonymous shall submit his or her grievance in writing and drop in the suggestion boxes installed at different places in the institution. These boxes will be checked once in a month by the coordinator in the presence of grievance redressal members.
  • Students are encouraged to express any grievances during the class committee meetings held twice in a semester.
  • Students can express their grievances with their faculty advisor: The faculty advisor will convey the grievances to the Grievance Redressal Cell.
  • Also student can represent the grievances orally to the members of grievance redressal cell and oral grievances will not be recorded as per the request by the student.

2. Redressal of Grievance


  • After receiving the grievance the nature and seriousness of the grievance will be analysed by the convener of Grievance Redressal Cell. The student name will not be disclosed for maintaining confidentiality.
  • Depending on the nature of grievance, a committee will be formed by the coordinator in consultation with the Head of the institution to address the grievance 

3. Conveying the decision

On completion of the proceedings and submission of the report to the coordinator of grievance cell, the cell shall communicate the final decision to the aggrieved student with proper record, through director of the institution.

4. Closure of Complaint

Feedback will be collected from the grievant in process of concluding the grievance.

5. Frequency of meeting

Frequency of meeting will be twice in a semester. In addition, meeting of all members of the cell can be convened, if required.

Any student aggrieved by the decision of the Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee may prefer an appeal to the Ombudsperson, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of such decision. The University has appointed Dr. Dharmaraj Adat as the Ombudsperson for the redressal of grievances of students of the University and colleges/institutions affiliated to the University under the regulations.

Students can freely make queries to the mail id: in case of any difficulties.

Appellant Committee Members:


Sl. No




Dr. Abdul Salam V.H

Director, ICET


Prof. Dr. A. Jahubar Ali

Head of the Department ,Science and Humanities(Dean of student affairs)


A Staff Grievance Redressal Committee and Student Grievance Redressal Committee is reconstituted with the following members for the academic year 2022-2023 for the smooth and effective functioning of  Grievance Redressal system in the college.

Staff Grievance Redressal Committee  members:


Sl. No



1. Prof. Dr. A. Jahubar Ali

Dean(Student Affairs), Coordinator

2. Prof. Dr. Faisal M. H. Vice Principal, Co-coordinator

Prof. Rosna P. Haroon

HOD/ AD & CC, Co-coordinator

4. Prof. Shifana U. N.

AP/CE, Member

5. Prof. Rafeek Sidhic

AP/ME, Member


Prof. Dhivya Haridas

AP/EEE, Member

7. Prof. Vipin Thomas

AP/ECE, Member

8. Prof. Shameena E. M

AP/CSE, Member

9. Prof. Surumi K. S. AP/AD & CC, Member

Prof. Shamseena T. S.

AP/S & H, Member


Prof. Beena V.S.

AP/MBA, Member

12. Prof. Sheena K. M.

AP/MCA, Member

Student Grievance Redressal Committee  members:

Students Grievance and Redressal Cell is reconstituted in the college for the academic year 2024-2025 for the smooth and effective functioning of the Grievance Redressal related activities in the college.




Nature of Selection



Principal, ICET



Prof. Dr. Jinu Mohan

Associate Professor, CSE Department



Prof. Angel P Mathew

Assistant Professor, ECE Department



Prof. Parvathy Vijay

Assistant Professor, CE Department



Prof. Dileep K.S

Assistant Professor, ME Department



Prof. Dhivya Haridas

Assistant Professor, EEE Department



Prof. Vipin Thomas

Assistant Professor, ECE Department



Prof. Nasreen Ali

Assistant Professor, CSE Department



Prof. Surumi K.S

Assistant Professor, AD & CC Department



Prof. Deepa Jacob

Assistant Professor, S & H Department



Prof. Beena V S

Assistant Professor, MBA Department



Prof. Sukrath Lal P.S

Assistant Professor, MCA Department



Prithik Premji Kuttiyil

Student , ICET

Student Union Chairperson


Afeef Ahamed

Student, ICET

Student Representative



Student, ICET

Student Representative


Edwin Joy

Student, ICET

Student Representative

(Physically Disabled)


Balasubramanyan G

Student, ICET

SC/ST Student Representative


Mr.Jailani P.A

PTA Member, ICET

PTA Representative





The Constitution of India guarantees the “Equality to women” and “Right to life and liberty”. To empower girl students /women employees and enhance them to understand the issues related to women, the college has constituted a committee for Women Empowerment & Anti Sexual Harassment. It focuses on creating awareness of their rights and duties and also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their rights in the society. Women Empowerment Committee is also functioning as an Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee, to provide a healthy and amiable atmosphere for girls.


  • To create an awareness of the Women’s Right and to empower Women.
  • Encourage girl students to participate actively in the events organized by the committee, to strengthen their self-confidence.
  • To make aware of gender equity and prevention of sexual harassment.
  • To educate girl students on women specific health issues and measures to be taken.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Organizing different activities to make women aware of opportunities and tools available to excel in their career.
  • To create an awareness of empowering women among students.
  • To provide a safe and secure environment for girl students and women.
  • Any matter on women’s issues will be referred to the committee.
  • Sexual harassment is a serious criminal offence, which can destroy human dignity and freedom. In an effort to promote the well being of all women employees and girl students at the institution  the code of conduct has been framed.

Functions of Women Empowerment and Anti Sexual Harassment / Internal Complaints Committee:

  • Conducting different programs on women empowerment.
  • Conducting awareness programmes on anti-sexual harassment.
  • Empower women to face difficult situations at any place.Celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, every year.
  • Address the gender inequity and sexual harassment cases whenever reported and recommend appropriate necessary action.
  • Any other matter on women’s issues shall refer to the committee.


  • A signed hard copy of the complaint will submit in person to the convener of the committee and the convener shall discuss it with the members of the committee.
  • First incident statement will be taken from both parties involved and an enquiry will be conducted.
  • On completion of the proceedings and submission of the report to the head of the institution, will decide the action to be taken, depending on the gravity of the complaint.
  • The committee will communicate the final decision to the concerned with proper record, through principal.
  • The frequency of the meeting will be twice in a semester. In addition, meeting of all the members of the cell can be convened, if required.
Sl.No. Name of Faculty Designation Position
1 Prof. Dr. Suni S. S. HOD/ECE Coordinator
2 Prof. Safiya K. M. AP/CSE Member
3 Prof. Sonu Saju AP/CE Member
4 Prof. Haseena M. K. AP/ AD & CC Member
5 Prof. Dhivya Haridas AP/EEE Member
6 Prof. Dr. Sulfath P. M. AP/MCA Member
7 Prof. Beena V. S. AP/MBA Member
8 Prof. Sreelakshmi K. V. AP/S & H Member
9 Prof. Abdul Shukoor O. M. AP/ME Member


A Session on “Women in Engineering and Management” was conducted on 08-03-2021 in Association with  Women Empowerment & Anti Sexual Harassment Cell as part of International Womens’ Day.The session was handled by Ms.Bini T.I,General Manager CIAL


As a part of National Girl Child Day Women Empowerment and Antisexual Harassement committee conducted a talk on the topic " Sexual Abuse and Harassement", the Resource Person was Ms. Siji T. K., Trained Faculty of Adolescent Counselling Cell Higher Secondary Department.


Cyber Ethics and Youth Relationship

   A Session on “Anti-Sexual Harassment Programme; Cyber Ethics and Youth Relationship” was conducted on 25-02-2020 in Association with  Women Empowerment & Anti Sexual Harassment Cell and NSS Unit.The session was handled by Mr. Abishek Clifford, CEO Rescue NGO Ethics Lecturer, London.


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