Department Library

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic activities of the Department. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books and other documents/materials. We have a rich assortment of more than 250 volumes of text books, associated to all subjects. Library continued in building up its collection by acquisition of new books as per the requirements of the staff members and students of the Department.

Library Rules

  1. Library will be opened from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm on all working days. 
  2. A student can borrow only three books at a time.
  3. A book will be issued for a maximum period of 30 days and may be renewed for a maximum of one more time.
  4. Books may be renewed on the expiry of the due date, provided there is no reservation for the same.
  5. Access to the library and its services may be suspended to those violating the rules of the library. 
  6. Borrowed books are non-transferable and borrower shall remain responsible for material issued for him / her until the material is returned.

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