IEEE Student
IEEE Student Branch of ICET 
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.With more than 20 student members a new student’s chapter has been initiated in Ilahia College of Engineering and technology on 12 September 2015. The main idea behind establishing this new chapter is to make all the students abreast of technology and maintain and edge over others. Our college became the venue for IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) F2F meet – Minerva 2k16. held on 12th March 2016. More than 100 IEEE members from different colleges participated in the meet. In connection with the program various activity based sessions were conducted. ICET IEEE students branch has organized a hands on workshop on MATLAB and Simulink for two days from 16th to 17th March 2016 in association with EEE department of ICET. The hands on workshop was conducted for the post graduate and under graduate students in various colleges. The ICET IEEE SB in association with EEE department and FUNLAB organized a ‘Earth Hour Campaign’ on 19 March 2016.The aim of the campaign was to give the public an awareness about energy conservation and earth hour activities.
Name |
Designation |
Ms. Honey John |
Orientation program for first-year students(2021-22)
An orientation program for first-year students was conducted. Ameesha Arackal of the second-year CSE department delivered the welcome speech and shared her experience in IEEE being the campus ambassador of IEEEXTREME and EXORDIUM. The orientation session was taken by Salih Yoosaf, Publicity Coordinator, IEEE India Council SCT soon after accompanied by Alna Ben and Irene Binnet , Execom member at MACE. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Aparna Dileep.
Webinar on “exploring dark web”
Webinar on “Exploring Dark Web” was conducted by IEEE student branch of ICET in association with Technovalley Software India Private Ltd. Dr. Barakkath Nisha Usman from the department of computer science and Engineering, ilahia college of engineering and technology was the chief co-ordinator of the program. The webinar was conducted on 30.09.2020 from 7.00PM to 8.00PM. Total attendee for the program was about 150. The program run as per the schedule and finished on time. The session was really interactive and was fruitful. Feedback was taken after the program.Vote of thanks was given by Muhammed Suroor M A, IEEE ICET SB chair.


Webinar on “Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking”
A webinar on the topic “Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking” was presented by Mr. Ressal Vengasseri, security analyst techbyheart India pvt Ltd, cyber expert and cyber security monitor at APPIN Technology lab, Kochi. Dr.Barakkath Nisha Usman from the department of computer science and Engineering, Ilahia college of engineering and technology was the chief co-ordinator of the program. The webinar was on 19.08.2020 from 7.00PM to 8.00PM. Total attendee for the program was about 120. The session was interactive in nature and was very fruitful. The program run as per the schedule and finished on time.Vote of thanks was given by Muhammed Suroor M A ,IEEE ICET SB Chair. Feedback was taken after the program.