Department Advisory Committee
Department Advisory Committee
Roles and Responsibilities
The Department Advisory Committee interacts and maintains liaison with key stakeholders.
The Department Advisory Committee is chaired by HOD who receives the report of the Department Advisory Committee and monitors the progress of the program.
The committee develops and recommends new or revised goals and objectives of the program.
The committee also reviews and analyses the gap between curriculum and Industry requirement and gives necessary feedback or advice actions.
NPTEL, Spoken tutorial , FDP, STTP / Guest lecturers monitoring
Verification of Course File for the following:
Attendance Entry,
Class and Series Test Marks,
Syllabus Coverage,
Identification of Slow Learners and above average performers
HOD Authentication.
Verification of Assessment & Tutorial Sheets.
Conduct of Remedial Classes
Checking Course plan and delivery
Submission of report to the IQAC in the prescribed format.
Following are the members of advisory board:
Sl. No.
Dr. Shaina Beegum N.
DAC Convenor (HOD)
Ms. Sonu Saju
IQAC/DAC Coordinator
Ms. Babitha Peter
Academic Coordinator
Mr. Rafeek Sidhic
Senior Faculty
Dr. Abdul Hakeem V.M.(Head, SWCE)
Member from other institute (Kellapaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology)
Dr. Smitha Bhazi (AP, Molecular Biology)
Member for other Institute (KAU, Vellayani, TVM)
Mr. Abdul Shukoor O. M. (Asst. Engineer)
Member from Industry , KAMCO